8 Health and wellness tips for office workers

Typical office work often falls under a sedentary lifestyle which can be hazardous to health. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to health issues including obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. If you’re an office worker and spend most of your day sitting down in front of a computer, you can prevent these health concerns by incorporating the following simple activities into your day-to-day routine.

1. Begin your day with a nutritious breakfast

Start your day right by eating a healthy breakfast. This will help you have better concentration, unlike people who only drink coffee in the mornings. Individuals who eat breakfast also tend to eat less during the day compared to those who skip morning meals.

2. Burn some calories by taking the stairs

No time for a workout? Taking the stairs at your workplace can help get your heart rate up. If you work on the 15th floor or higher, you might consider taking the stairs halfway and then getting on an elevator for the rest of the floors.

3. Eat a healthy lunch

When you have little time to prepare your own lunch, you probably eat at your office cafeteria or nearby restaurants. Some cafeterias recognize the people’s need for healthier dishes. Check the menu at your cafeteria and go for healthy options such as green salad, grilled chicken or fish, and dishes with plenty of vegetables.

4. Go for healthy snacks

You might feel the urge to snack on something to boost your energy, especially during the afternoon. Soda, milk tea, salty chips, cookies, coffee, chocolates, and other sugary treats are some of the favorite go-to snacks of office workers. To avoid these unhealthy and tempting snacks, you might want to consider bringing your own healthy snacks such as unsalted nuts, mixed berries, fruits, veggie sticks, whole grain bread/crackers, homemade smoothie, and nonfat yogurt.

5. Drink plenty of water

Drink four to six glasses a day to stay hydrated and healthy. Make it a habit to bring your own reusable water bottle to work. Each time you get up to refill your water bottle serves as an opportunity for a micro-break.

6. Observe computer health habits

Working at your desk in front of a computer all day can be tough on the eyes, head, neck, and back. Remember to sit up straight and shift positions every now and then. Do some simple and easy stretches to release the tension from your neck, shoulders, and arms.

Give yourself short breaks between tasks by standing up and walking around the office. You can also do some quick stretching exercises. Give your eyes a break too by turning the brightness down. Relieve dry eyes by applying ‘artificial tears’ (over-the-counter lubricating eye drops).

7. Get some fresh air during breaks

Going out of the office building to get some fresh air is a good way to de-stress. Fresh air and a change of environment may be underrated but these simple things can improve your physical and mental health. Taking a ‘fresh air break’ once or twice a day can make a positive impact on your mind, body, as well as your work. 

8. Exercise fingers, wrists, and hands

Working long hours on the computer can be tough on your fingers, wrists, and hands. Repetitive actions such as typing on the computer and clicking on your computer mouse can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Simple exercises involving the fingers, wrists, and hands can prevent this kind of health issue. Easy exercises can also strengthen fingers, wrists, and hands and improve their range of motion. For instance, you can make a gentle fist and hold it for 30-60 seconds then release and spread your fingers wide. You can apply this process for both hands at least four times.

Embrace healthy habits at work

Staying healthy at work begins with self-awareness. It’s important that you know yourself and your capabilities as well as your limitations. Learn to value your personal strengths and use them to embrace healthy behaviors and lifestyle. With a Corporate Health Plan, employees like you can feel safe and protected