How to Combat Health Challenges During the Rainy Season

Protect Yourself, Your Loved Ones, and Your Community

Every year, typically from June to November, the skies turn gray and the clouds unleash rain, a time when Filipinos brace themselves for the monsoon, a.k.a. “Habagat”. During the rainy season, even though droughts are over, the rain also brings health risks.

Albert, 45 years old, a resident of a small coastal town in Cavite, often shares challenges that he and his family face during the rainy season. He recalls his family’s ordeal when the recent typhoon brought incessant rainfall. The heavy downpour and high tide brought serious flooding, damaging homes, vehicles, and personal property.

Aside from material losses, the flooding also gave rise to health concerns. His two kids experienced fever and diarrhea, common health issues during this time. The threat of dengue is usually high during the rainy season because of stagnant water that can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

To prevent this health risk, Albert did a thorough cleaning after the flood subsided and applied mosquito repellant diligently on the kids. He also boiled their drinking water to prevent the recurrence of diarrhea. With the rainy season in progress, Filipinos are encouraged to take extra precautions and do measures to boost their immune system.

Health Challenges

  1. Waterborne Diseases
    • Contaminated water – Monsoon rains may lead to flooding, contaminating sources of water with bacteria and viruses.
    • Poor sanitation – Some areas in the country with poor sanitation facilities can become a place where waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, and cholera spread.
  2. Respiratory Diseases
    • Allergies – Mold and mildew can thrive in damp conditions, triggering allergies.
    • Cold, flu, pneumonia – Humidity and sudden changes in temperature can affect the immune system, making you more prone to colds, flu, and pneumonia.
  3. Mosquito-Borne Diseases
    • Breeding grounds for mosquitoes – Stagnant water is the ideal breeding area for mosquitoes, increasing the risk of certain illnesses like dengue, chikungunya, and malaria.
  4. Skin Problems
    • Bacterial and fungal infections – Wading through floodwaters can lead to wound infections, ringworm, and athlete’s foot.
  5. Injuries
    • Dangerous objects – Floodwater may contain dangerous and sharp objects such as glass, metal fragments, rocks, and open manholes that could potentially cause injuries.
  6. Weakened Immunity
    • Take multivitamins – Vitamin supplements, especially those that contain Vitamin C and Zinc can boost your immune system and aid in fighting infection.
  7. Mental Health Impact
    • Stress, Anxiety, and Depression – Strong typhoons and flooding can disrupt daily life, damaging homes and personal belongings, causing illnesses and injuries, and in worst cases, resulting in loss of life. These consequences can have a great impact on mental health, resulting in stress, anxiety, and/or depression.

What to Do

  • Stay out of floodwater if possible. However, if you have no choice but to wade in murky water, it is best to wear rubber boots and rubber gloves.
  • When you come in contact with floodwater, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends washing the area with soap and clean water immediately. However, in the absence of soap and water, you may use alcohol-based sanitizer or wipes.
  • Apply immediate first aid to small wounds and seek medical attention if needed.
  • If you have puncture wounds that may be contaminated, consult a healthcare professional who can determine if a tetanus shot is necessary.
  • Do not consume anything that may be contaminated by floodwater.
  • According to the American Psychological Association (APA), weather-related and flood-related distress can be managed by building resilience. Making connections with family members, friends, and neighbors with similar experiences can provide a sense of relief and comfort. You can also learn coping strategies and other suggestions through your network. Although weather-related calamities like floods can disrupt normal routines, going back to your regular activities once the flood and clean-up are over, maintaining an optimistic outlook, and tapping into your skills to help you overcome challenges are resilience-building traits.
Flooding poses significant challenges for many Filipinos during the rainy season. It disrupts normal activities, threatens lives, damages property, and increases the risk of diseases. Awareness and joint efforts can help mitigate these health and safety challenges.

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